St. Paul’s Outreach focuses on encouraging the members of the St. Paul’s family to share their gifts, talents and love with each other, the community and the world.
We share our resources with the local community through our Community Dinners, the CornerStone Food Bank and the Cornerstone Free Clinic, our Back-to-School Backpack program, the local Toys for Tots program, the Essex County Food Bank, and the Backpack Buddies Food Program for Tappahannock Elementary School.
The Board members present for the presentation of the check are (front row) John Jensen and Dr. A.W. Lewis, (back row) Bob Blackman, Don Hostvedt, Linda Minor, Betty Smith, Tom Howard, and Gerry Gravatt. Also Sheila Iswariah, Director of the Cornerstone Community Development Center.
St. Paul's Donates to the Cornerstone for the purchase of a new van!
St. Paul's is fortunate to be able to continue to support the ongoing ministry to the community through the Cornerstone Community Development Center. In this photo, Cynthia Carter (St. Paul's Senior Warden) is delivering a check for $5,000 from St. Paul's to The Cornerstone to be used towards the purchase of a second food delivery van for the food pantry.
This season, St. Paul's also provided funds to cover the cost of over 600 turkeys and hams and increased assistance in the past two months for the food pantry and the free clinic. The need this year is significantly higher than in recent years due to the adverse effects of COVID 19. These donations are made possible by the generous pledges of St. Paul's Parishioners and the solid leadership of St. Paul's Vestry. Thank you!
The Cornerstone Board has five members from St. Paul’s, Dr. A.W. Lewis, President; Linda Minor; Don Hostvedt; and Tom & June Howard.
For more information about the CornerStone CDC please visit their website: